ODBC and MSSQL under Debian/Ubuntu

In just two days, I came up with two different reasons to point to Landure's technical doc's site. http://howto.landure.fr/gnu-linux/ubuntu-dapper-drake/developpement-et-serveurs/installation-du-module-mssql-pour-php-5-sur-ubuntu-dapper-drake This time, it was to setup a connection to a MSSQL server from a Debian server. This type of connection is incredibly badly documented on the internet in general (or maybe I didn't look the right way), and in the end everything points to FreeTDS, a library and program that allows this type of connection.



Thank you for the second link :) I would like to point you to the Debian 4.0 version of the Dapper guide :


This version include also oracle support.

Hope this help you.

By the way, there is a bug in mssql php client that disable the fetch of more of 255 chars from a varchar field.

Here is a solution for Symfony framework :


But this is a quite common problem, and i think you will find more about this bug on google.