Ref: Drupal 7 + Boost: problem showing anonymous pages?

In Drupal's Boost module, there is a feature setting a cookie called DRUPAL_UID that then lets Apache (or whatever web server you have) avoid serving cached pages to authenticated users. Well it seems this feature was broken sometime in 2011-2012 (before July 2012), so you might have banged your head against the wall trying to understand why your login box still appeared after login, or some similar effect. Well, bang it no longer.

Spider a website with wget

This command might be useful if you want to auto-generate the Boost module cache files on a Drupal site

wget -r -l4 --spider -D

Let's analyse the options...

-r indicates it's recursive (so "follow the links" and look for more than one page)

-l indicates the number of levels we want to recurse. If you are on the first page and you follow a link, you are at level 1. If you follow a link on that last page, you are at level 2, etc

--spider indicates not to download anything (we just want to go through the pages, that's all)

HOWTO Speedup your Debian GNU/Linux

This article was first written in January 2005 for the BeezNest technical
website (
Warning: This article is still work in progress. You have to keep in mind that speed is somewhat relative. It is often just a question of personal feeling, especially for a desktop machine. There are many ways to speed your Linux installation. Here, we will show how to do it on Debian Sarge+, but most tips should also improve performances on other distributions. We will focus on a desktop install.