New videoconference tool on its way

I've been pretty busy the latest couple of days developing the new videoconference tool to improve its CSS configuration. It's scheduled to be in production with Dokeos 1.8.5, but so far the main bits have been put together in a one-on-one mode only. I thought giving a little preview might be of some interest.
Image retirée.
Basically, we have reached a point where it is fully working, but the styling is only there for one-on-one and not for one-to-many or meeting-of-four. So there's still enough work before 1.8.5, but it's mainly a question of styling. In response to a question I've been asked, Dokeos does not provide a DimDim integration (as does Moodle) because we have tried to install DimDim and it was even harder than the Dokeos videoconference tool. Also, not being entirely clear over its licensing terms, we preferred no to base our tool on DimDim. But we have thought about it for some time... For me, however, getting to this point means I can finally get back to work on the main new features and bugfixes of Dokeos 1.8.5 ! Hurrah!