Joining us for lunch?

In BeezNest Latino (the new name of Dokeos Latinoamérica), we have lunch together every Wednesday at a nearby restaurant. It's a tradition, and it's on the company. Today though, a few of us got there about 5 minutes later than the firsts, and were greated  with no seats left and two separate tables with people having lunch independently. This already happened once in the past (in over a year), but today I was in a particularly bad mood (doesn't happen much) so I decided to take action and avoid this repeating itself. I thought of a series of ways to explain that, and then I thought about this: Image retirée. And these were my questions to my team:
  • Who recognizes this? (most people do)
  • What looks like the most important part of this picture?
  • Do you find the food important? The place? The people? (I hope everyone will agree that the people there are the most important...)
  • Are the members of the "meeting" or "reunion" or "lunch" separated in three little tables? Why?
This facilitated a lot the discussion that came afterwards, where I explain the only reason we were having lunch together is to be able to discuss of things a little bit out of the business context, and that I hoped they were appreciating it as much as I did. Well, anyway, when will *you* join us for lunch?