Mantis, genome comparison software

Imagen eliminada.BeezNest is the proud provider of the hardware and systems architecture running the main server for Mantis, the missing link between multi-species full genome comparisons and functional analysis. In February 2008, Raphaël Helaers, main developer of Mantis, working at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and fellow student in my computer sciences studies, asked us if we were interested in providing an affordable, ultra-resistant, architecture for the server of their multi-species genome comparison tool. At the time, Jérôme configured the server, as it is his specialty, and we provided a few hours of support to get it launched and managed by the development team. Two years, a full delocalization of the server from Belgium to Switzerland and one hardware cleaning later (pieces moved during the expatriation), the server is still in excellent shape and Mantis just released version 1.1! We are very happy of the success of this project, which is one of the leading scientific projects in the genome study area. Incidentally, and although unrelated, Mantis is now hosted in the Geneva University, for which we happen to be the proud publishers of the e-learning system in use there: Chamilo!