Push talent forward inside your organization
With Skillms, manage human capital in a more efficient way, from identification and attraction of qualified personel to the retention of talent inside your organization.
Increase the productivity of your company with the best talent management software around.

Workforce planning
- Organisational organigram, global and by department
- Jobs hierarchy with skills and activities management.
- Job termination dates planning.
- Geographical area- and branches-based organization of staff.

Staff selection and evaluation
- Candidates description sheets (Skype, LinkedIn, GoogleMaps address, etc) criteria-based filter.
- Centralized online evaluations (with questions banks and random selection).
- Candidates interviews registration.

Performance appraisal
- 360° performance appraisal by competency.
- Performance appraisals planning.
- Human Resources Manager role.
- Pending performance appraisals reminders (1 month, 1 week, 1 day).

Succession management
- Competency-based assignment of positions.
- Career planning.
- Competency-based searches for succession candidates.

Personal development plan
- Personal development plans generation.
- Skills publication on LinkedIn and Facebook, linked to the organization’s portal.

Training and development management
- Training management
- Documents management
- SCORM + IMS/QTI standards support
- Forums, chats, videoconferences, …
Training management
- Assigned budget control.
- Human training hours control.
- Training management reports.
- Training actions follow-up.
- Training needs requests management.
- Workflow for subscriptions to online courses.
- Online content.
- On air and recorded audio/video webinars.
- Online exams.
- Scores registration in staff training history.
- OpenBadge® digital skills certificates.
- E-mail and online satisfaction surveys.
- Android and iPhone native applications.
- Learning communities management (increase communication between your staff).
- E-mail sending and online publishing (push information).
- Social profile “wall”.
- Corporate contacts network.
- Digital business cards export in vCard format, compatible with Android and iPhone.
- Linking to Skype and Linkedin profiles.