Howto install OpenMeetings 2.2 server on a Debian Wheezy box

This guide is written specifically to cover a lack of quality documentation for the installation procedure of an OpenMeetings 2.2 server on a Debian Wheezy box. It will be based on the manual available already for this procedure (but relatively badly structured and written in a rather improvable English), by Alvaro Bustos with the help of Federico Christian Tomasczik. Thanks to both of them. My manual is mostly a rewrite of the information in their guide, hopefully with enough precision to allow someone to script it. Also the fact that the guide is only available publicly as PDF is not ideal. Finally, there is a lot of space for interpretation in the dynamic links provided which, in my case, made me mistakenly go for 3.0 instead of my intended 2.2, which had considerable consequences in the particular task I was trying to achieve: write an OpenMeetings plugin for Chamilo. Because that's probably the easiest way to do it for anyone reading this manual, I will be explaining on the basis of a Digital Ocean virtual machine (or "Droplet"). I found that the $40/month (4GB of RAM) image works fine, but you can try with a 2GB one, maybe that works out too. If you never tried Digital Ocean before, you have two options:
      You create an account, pay $20 in advance with PayPal, create a new Droplet, choose Debian Wheezy 64bit (I picked New York 2 Data Center, but it *really* shouldn't matter where it is) and jump to the beginning of this tutorial or
      Find a machine where you can install Debian Wheezy (either virtual or physical), make sure it's got an internet connection and start working
    And of course, any Debian Wheezy machine would do. For the sake of simplicity, I'll assume you got root access to it. I'll also pass the OpenMeetings "client" install. If you don't know how to install Flash, you should look for that information somewhere else. I usually use VIM as an editor, so if the Debian box is new, I install vim: apt-get update apt-get install vim Finally, I'll assume that your server is available through a simple IP address or a domain name. Below, I will assume a ficticious URL of "". Replace that string with yours however you see fit. Without further ado, let's begin. For some reason, Red5 seems to be failing to start when it cannot find a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the server on which it runs. To avoid this, simply put the right (or a fake) domain name in /etc/hosts, at the end of the first line. Following the logic above, I'm calling it Feel free to call it whatever you like, but try to use something that isn't used by anyone else: localhost Create an /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmeetings.list with the following contents: deb-src wheezy main deb wheezy contrib non-free deb wheezy-updates main contrib deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib deb wheezy main non-free Create an /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oracle-java.list with the following contents (because OpenMeetings does not officially support OpenJDK yet): deb precise main deb-src precise main Then do the following (on the command line): apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886 apt-get update && apt-get install -y --force-yes deb-multimedia-keyring oracle-java6-installer You'll have to agree to the Oracle Binary Code license terms with the last command (in the oracle-java6-installer). This is manual (as far as I know, there is no way to automate it). Now, we want to make sure this installed version of Java will be the one used for the rest of the processes on this server, by updating the alternatives and picking the one that says java-6-oracle and "jre" in the same path: update-alternatives --config java If this is a new, clean, server, the command will only mention that there is only one alternative, so that there is nothing to select. You may want to also automatically set the environment variable, feature which is provided by the following package in WebUpd8's repository: apt-get install oracle-java6-set-default Now we want to install Libreoffice, as it will be used by JODconverter (installed below) to convert documents: apt-get install -y --force-yes libreoffice On Digital Ocean's machines, the download is super-fast (around 10 seconds for 450MB) and the whole installation should take about 30 seconds max. We also need to install a few conversion libraries: apt-get install -y --force-yes imagemagick libgif4 libjpeg62 libmp3lame0 ...and the SWFtools (this is one of the trickiest parts for Debian/Ubuntu installations, but luckily someone packaged it) cd wget dpkg -i swftools_0.9.1-1_amd64.deb Note: for 32bit, you'll have to download Now the ffmpeg library needs to be installed by hand in order to get access to a more recent version of the lib. In effect, Debian Wheezy "deb-multimedia" repository's version is 1.0.8 and we'd like to get 1.1.2. Note that, during the "make" process (which might take more than 10 minutes), you can continue the installation with the other steps in a parallel terminal. Just don't forget, at the end, to launch the checkinstall process. apt-get install -y --force-yes libart-2.0-2 libt1-5 zip unzip bzip2 subversion git-core checkinstall yasm texi2html libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libmp3lame-dev libsdl1.2-dev libx11-dev libxfixes-dev libxvidcore4 libxvidcore-dev zlib1g-dev libogg-dev sox libvorbis0a libvorbis-dev libgsm1 libgsm1-dev libfaad2 flvtool2 lame cd /opt wget tar zxf ffmpeg-1.1.2.tar.gz cd ffmpeg-1.1.2 ./configure --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libxvid --enable-libvorbis --enable-libgsm --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree make mkdir /usr/local/share/ffmpeg /usr/local/share/man /usr/local/include checkinstall The "make" command is probably the step that will take the most time of the whole installation (around 12 minutes, just by itself). Press "Enter" 3 times to select the default options suggested by the installer. This will (slowly) make a Debian package (ffmpeg_1.1.2-1_amd64.deb) and install it (as I mentioned, this might take more than 12 minutes on the suggested virtual machine). It is suggested you "hold" this package version, to prevent Debian from trying to update it during the next apt-get upgrade. To do this: apt-mark hold ffmpeg At this point, feel free to delete everything you want from the /opt directory where we downloaded and built the ffmpeg package: rm -rf /opt/ffmpeg* Install the MySQL server (there is a default database used by OpenMeetings but it's not meant for production). apt-get install mysql-server Give it a root password (twice). Note that it's considered *really bad practice* to leave a blank password, so please think about something simple and safe instead of avoiding your responsibility. It also has nothing to do with system's root password. Connect to MySQL to prepare the openmeetings database: mysql -uroot -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE openmeetings DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openmeetings.* TO 'openmeetings'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some-password-here' WITH GRANT OPTION; mysql> quit Now we're ready to install OpenMeetings. You should get the latest stable version from here: Other sources are likely to be less stable and I certainly did loose a lot of time on this, so I definitely recommend the stable. The following code is based on the stable that was downloadable at the time of writing, so you might want to check the link above. Beware that the link above does not provide a direct link for the download: it sends you to a mirrors page, from which you'll have to pick a mirror. The command below downloads it directly from one of the mirrors. mkdir /opt/red5 cd /opt/red5 wget tar zxf apache-openmeetings-2.2.0.tar.gz rm apache-openmeetings-2.2.0.tar.gz cd webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ mv persistence.xml persistence.xml-ori mv mysql_persistence.xml persistence.xml vim persistence.xml For the sake of copy-paste speed, you can launch all but the last command in one go with: mkdir /opt/red5 && cd /opt/red5 && wget && tar zxf apache-openmeetings-2.2.0.tar.gz && rm apache-openmeetings-2.2.0.tar.gz && cd webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ && mv persistence.xml persistence.xml-ori && mv mysql_persistence.xml persistence.xml vim persistence.xml Here is where you'll have to configure the XML file to set the db name, username and password for the openmeetings database we created above. Find the "Url=" part. A few lines below, you'll find a Username and a Password fields. Place the right ones there and save (with :wq if using VIM). , Username=openmeetings , Password=some-password-here" /> Now we'll install the Java to MySQL connector (MySQL Connector/J aka MySQL JDBC). cd /opt wget tar zxf mysql-connector-java-5.1.28.tar.gz cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.28/mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar /opt/red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java.jar rm -rf mysql-connector* Download the JOD converter to be able to convert files uploaded to OpenMeetings. Note that we'll leave it into /opt for now, as OpenMeetings allows us to select the source for this converter. Also note that the version we download is version 3, while the one available in Wheezy is version 2.2.2 (I have no idea if this is relevant, but considering it is not to be installed or anything, the effort is not really worth the question in this case). cd /opt wget unzip Newer versions might come in the future, so make sure you check for any other version. Now our red5 folder is ready to be put online, so we'll move it to somewhere more permanent. mv red5 /usr/lib chown -R nobody /usr/lib/red5 Starting and stopping OpenMeetings is kind of complex, because there are several services involved. Luckily, someone wrote a script for us which, although not perfect, will help us solve this problem quickly: wget unzip mv OpenMeetings 2.x run script Squeeze/red5 /etc/init.d/ chmod +x /etc/init.d/red5 And then we can finally start OpenMeetings (or should I say the Red5 server, which serves OpenMeetings): /etc/init.d/red5 start Now load it from your browser on and follow the information carefully. Please note that the database doesn't have to be configured through the web interface: it's already been done in the XML file (remember?). You will have to indicate the paths to the different conversion services, though. To do this, you only need to know the following: FFMPEG Path = /usr/local/bin JOD Path = /opt/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4/lib This should be enough for you to complete the installation and be able to use OpenMeetings! Have fun! Bonus: if you want your server to be able to send e-mails, do the following: apt-get install exim4 dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config And then type "Enter" for every question except the one with 5 options beginning with "Internet sites". There, you should select the first option "Internet sites" if you don't know better, of course. Then go on with just "Enter" through it until you're back on the command line.


    Hi Yannick, thanks for your howto. I've install 3x but alway at end of installation there ist after "/etc/init.d/red5 start" a message with
    "start-stop-daemon: --start needs --exec or --startas
    Try 'start-stop-daemon --help' for more information." The browser is waiting after start the link to "install". Do you have a idea?

    The message appearing is OK. It does start in the background, usually, even when showing the message.
    Check the process is running by launching
    ps aux|grep red5
    You should have a line that looks something like /usr/local/bin/red5 in the results (do not take the line that says "ps aux" as a working result, this is just the feedback for your search).

    The installation should be available about 30 seconds after you did that.
    Did you install on a DigitalOcean machine? Other hosts may have restrictions on the ports you can open or on the processes you can launch.

    I tried to follow your instruction installing on Digital Ocean, but get error in java:

    HTTP Status 500 -

    type Exception report


    description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.



    Any suggestions?


    Did you install on Debian Wheezy 64bit?
    Did you install OpenMeetings 2.2 or 3.0?

    Debian 7.0 64. Open Meetings 2.2 as in your instruction above... I only have a 2GB droplet but this is some java issue...

    I haven't tried in Konqueror but it usually lasts some time before you get the answer back from the server the first time (like 30-60 seconds).
    As JR posted, maybe you should check the OpenMeetings logs on your server by doing: sudo tail -f /usr/lib/red5/logs/openmeetings.log and then try to restart the server (service red5 restart) in another terminal (exit the "tail -f" with ctrl+c).

    I have changed a few steps in the procedure. Apparently, there were 3 problems:
    <li>The ffmpeg checkinstall script was failing because of unexisting directories (I suspect I have created them the first time without writing it down).</li>
    <li>It seems that, even if you use the IP address directly, Red5 is looking for a fully qualified domain name, meaning that you *have to* edit your /etc/hosts and simulate a complete domain name.</li>
    <li>The most important problem was an attempt at improvement that we did with the use of the package for the mysql-java connector. Apparently that didn't work, so I reverted in the documentation to the installation from a downloadable tar. Please make sure you delete /usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java.jar if you followed the procedure that was there still a few hours ago, before you try to re-install this part!

    Install guide updated thanks to your comments. I have just re-tried several times the installation and it worked fine. Please let me know if it doesn't work.

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-7025">
    <strong><a href="#comment-7025" rel="nofollow">Yannick Warnier</a> :</strong>
    Install guide updated thanks to your comments. I have just re-tried several times the installation and it worked fine. Please let me know if it doesn’t work.
    Hi Yannick,
    many thanks for your help. I've install my machine again with your change script. Now i have the same error as JR.
    I install the system on a big machine with Debian Wheezy 64. Do you have a idea?

    Greetings Detlev

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-7029">
    <strong><a href="#comment-7029" rel="nofollow">Detlev</a> :</strong>
    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-7025">
    <strong><a href="#comment-7025" rel="nofollow">Yannick Warnier</a> :</strong>
    Install guide updated thanks to your comments. I have just re-tried several times the installation and it worked fine. Please let me know if it doesn’t work.
    Hi Yannick,
    many thanks for your help. I’ve install my machine again with your change script. Now i have the same error as JR.
    I install the system on a big machine with Debian Wheezy 64. Do you have a idea?
    Greetings Detlev
    Here ist the complete Error in browser:

    HTTP Status 500 -

    type Exception report


    description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.



    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.42 logs.
    Apache Tomcat/7.0.42

    Hi Yannick,
    i have install my server again and now.... it's run! Fine - Many thanks for this great Service from you.
    Greetings Detlev

    Great, Detlev!
    I believe the previous little error with the MySQL connector package might have broken it beyond easy manual repair. Re-installing completely with the latest procedure in this blog post should do it, now.

    Hi Yannick,
    i have trouble with the sound, there is a delay between the speaker. The server is in a high backbone area and has 32GB RAM with Intel Quadcore. The clients work an DSL &gt; 16000. Do you have a idea?

    Best regards

    Please help us!

    HTTP Status 500 -

    type Exception report


    description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.42 logs.

    Please read the comments carefully. I believe this has already been fixed. If possible, try re-installing it completely (not just part by part) as some stale information might be blocking the fix.

    Thanks for the article!
    I managed to put and get the system running on a 32 bit system.
    All works!
    But the problem with installing the 64 bit system.
    Set the server several times. Always one and the same error.

    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.42 logs.

    Read all reviews. Nothing helped.
    The Debian system 7.3
    OpenMeet 2.2
    Thank you!

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-7274">
    <strong><a href="#comment-7274" rel="nofollow">Nick</a> :</strong>
    It was my mistake!
    It worked out! THANK you!
    Sorry, but could you explain what was your mistake ?
    I did everything explained here, and reinstalled everything again and I still get the same error page 500. tnx!

    Yannick, thank you for this excelent guide!
    I have problems installing Openmeeting. I followed the guide trying to install on a Debian Weezy 64bits, Openmeeting 2.2.0 and I get the same error page described by JR on comment #3 (Error 500).
    I understand that you corrected the guide according to fix this problem, but i am still getting it. What do you suggest?

    Now I have problems too with 32 bit system


    /mirror/apache/openmeetings/2.2.0/bin/apache-openmeetings-2.2.0.tar.gz not available

    I had to download the archive from the official site
    perhaps the problem in this?

    now a warning appears after

    mkdir /usr/local/share/ffmpeg /usr/local/share/man /usr/local/include

    I thitnk this is problems with codecs

    libavcodec/mpegvideo_ warning...

    Please help!

    yesterday tried to put on your manual version openmeet 3, I even managed to log into the web form install ,there were already having problems with databases

    so perhaps the problem with archive Openmeetings 2.2.

    Where I can download your archive if it possible?
    Thank you! Maybe I am wrong?