Introduction: Chamilo LMS, a simple and powerful platform

Illustrating all the features Chamilo LMS offers would be a waste of time, given how numerous and varied they are, complemented by a multitude of configurations. This presentation page will focus on giving you an overview of Chamilo's key aspects...


Chamilo LMS


Chamilo LMS : As its logo suggests, Chamilo’s strength lies in its ability to adapt.

You need to experience it to understand that behind its carefully designed and intuitive interface is a true powerhouse dedicated to managing training.

Since its launch in 2010, Chamilo’s growth has been steadily increasing. Today, it stands as one of the leading free and open-source e-learning platforms worldwide, boasting approximately 33 million users in 2022.

BeezNest’s role in this growth has been fundamental. Since Chamilo's inception, we have produced about 90% of the platform's code and organized numerous events to promote Chamilo across Europe and Latin America. As a result, the Chamilo non-profit association, whose mission is to improve access to quality education worldwide, has recognized BeezNest as the official publisher of the Chamilo software from 2015 to the present.

We have made Chamilo the only European e-learning product to feature in all notable international rankings of e-learning platforms.


Chamilo, Learning Management System

Chamilo is widely recognized for its exceptional ease of use, requiring three times less training time than Moodle, and for its lightweight design. It is also the solution developed by BeezNest and one of the three most popular open-source educational platforms worldwide, despite being launched eight years after the market leader.

In 2018 and 2019, Chamilo was ranked in the respective top 20 lists of five websites that analyze and compare LMS solutions across all categories. These rankings solidify its position as one of the best educational platforms on both the Belgian and international markets:




Top elearning industry


The Chamilo platform offers a wide range of high-quality features. This document cannot describe them all.

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According to our benchmarks and various user testimonials, Chamilo uses nearly 50% less resources (processor and RAM) than Moodle.

Main Features of Chamilo LMS:
  • General User-Friendly Interface
  • Simple or Advanced Graphic Customization (stylesheets, icon sets, BeezNest)  
  • Simple and Intuitive Platform, with thematic grouping of tools by blocks  
  • Various User Profiles Available (roles and privileges tailored to each role)  
  • "Switch" Tool for toggling between learner/teacher view  
  • 24 Available Course Tools (Production, Interaction, Administration)
Course Production Tools:
  • Course Description (Objectives, topics, methodologies, course materials, thematic resources…)  
  • Documents (Course content creation and document management)  
  • Paths (Creation of educational paths via drag-and-drop)  
  • Links (Recording and categorizing links related to the course)  
  • Exercises (Creation of tests, importing HotPotatoes quizzes, QTI2 exercises, AIKEN and Excel imports, creation of question banks, categorization…)  
  • Announcements (Creation of announcements for groups/users, with email notifications or not…)  
  • Gradebook (Creation of in-person assessments, links between the gradebook and exercises, results, imports and printing, certificate generation, weighting control…)  
  • Glossary (Creation of a course glossary, import/export)  
  • Attendance (Attendance management, creation of attendance sheets…)  
Interaction Tools:
  • Class Journal (Management of a global class journal for courses)  
  • Forum (Management of a collaborative forum)  
  • Document Sharing (Management of document sharing, sending and receiving…)  
  • Users (User management, creation of users via .csv or Excel, batch registration, .pdf export, search…)  
  • Groups (Creation and management of student groups)  
  • Chat (Course chat tool)  
  • Assignments (Management and settings for assignments, tracking)  
  • Survey (Creation and management of surveys like Doodle, alerts for unanswered surveys…)  
  • Wiki (Management of a wiki and tracking)  
  • Notes (Creation and management of personal notes)  
  • Virtual Class (Videoconferencing sessions between teachers and students)
Administration Tools:
  • Blog (Creation and management of writing spaces, co-creation spaces…)  
  • Tracking (Complete course activity tracking, charts, report generation, export and printing…)  
  • Settings (Quick access to course configuration settings)  
  • Maintenance (Quick access to course maintenance tools, import from Moodle, course import, clearing, deletion…)


Chamilo LMS


Social Learning Communication Tools:

The platform offers a social networking space that allows users to have "friends," create "interest groups," and post on a "wall" shared with their professional contacts on the platform.

A global chat tool is also available for quick communication with other users from any part of the platform, except during exams (the chat system automatically pauses during exams and resumes once the exam is finished).

Format and Browser Compatibility:

All multimedia formats supported by modern browsers are supported by Chamilo. There are no specific format limitations in Chamilo, but the viewing of certain file types mainly depends on the browser being used.

Additionally, Chamilo is a platform that offers a multi-device compatible style. Resources created or imported onto the platform should follow an adaptive logic. The platform itself does not automatically correct generated content. The support for the IMS/LTI standard allows for connecting with content hosted on third-party platforms.

The support for SCORM 1.2 allows the import of content created with authoring tools like Storyline or others, in the form of "learning paths" within a course space.

Integration of External Activities:

In order to allow students to consume educational content outside the platform while receiving tracking information back from that content, it is necessary for the content to be compatible with xAPI or IMS/LTI.

LTI advantage


Would you like to ensure that Chamilo LMS meets your needs?

Please contact us through our contact form, and our sales manager will get in touch with you shortly.