Viewing the activity of an OSS in video

[digg=] There's a new cool tool around, in the likes of the ohloh website and the cia project, that lets one view the code activity of an open-source project (or any development project that uses SVN or a version control system, really) in video. The tool is called code_swarm, is available under the new BSD License since about only one day, and is written in Java. It allows anyone (although at the moment the documentation is still being improved slowly - it doesn't work out of the box) to generate a video displaying every change in the project code during its development time, in a very lively animation (resembling the animations generated by some audio players, only better). Check it out, it's fun and an interesting project (and the code is not huge either). This is a bad-quality (size reduced for web diffusion) example for the dokeos project (the original is a crystal-clear 640x480 video, but it's 30MB...) [youtube=] If you're having problems getting something out of this, check this issue report (until we get that into the wiki documentation) or the Prototype page of the wiki. The project is keen to accept external help and only counts 1 developer and 2-3 interested people so far, so if that's your thing, you're almost sure to get a warm welcome. Due to current high activity of the project, these explanations have already been deprecated. There is now a script that converts a normal SVN log (svn log -v > my.log) to an xml "events" file which is the one you should feed to code_swarm.