Drupal Module: menu_editor

Those of you managing Drupal sites with large menus (even better if translated) will know that it can take some time (understatement) to edit your menus and re-organize them. The menu_editor plugin install easily without dependencies and offers a new entry in the menu edition area. Image removed. Once you select "POWER EDIT" (which it really is), you get access to a single page where you can edit each menu entry (link, name, language, status). With this, editing your menus becomes a pleasure and not a torture. Image removed.


Hi Yannick,

the menu_editor plugin looks very usefull.
Another plugin quite usefull to administer faster drupal is "Administration menu" http://drupal.org/project/admin_menu . Indeed every pages of the admin can be accessed with just one click thanks to a discret dropdown menu.

Actually it could be quite interesting to create a summary of every modules making the drupal admin more pleasant to use.


In reply to by YW


Hi Eric,

You're right, we use admin_menu on all our sites already (around 15). There is another one called "admin" (just that: http://drupal.org/project/admin) which is also an excellent addition (duplicates admin_menu's features but in another way). I'll try to compile a list, but a quick way to have it is to use http://drupalmodules.com and search for "admin" ;-)

Nice to hear from you. Hope you're preparing us an excellent next version 2.0 of the D. software