Chamilo 1.8.7 to manage timezones

Well, it was rather a low priority task (due to its possible difficulty), but it has been advancing so well in just two days that I think I can already make a little preview on this... First of all, I'd like to officially welcome Guillaume Viguier-Just, who joined forces with us just yesterday. Guillaume has a considerable PHP development experience, so it's been pretty easy for me to give him a few basic tasks in Chamilo and it's apparently been pretty easy for him to honor them.

Top projects of January 2010

This year has taken a good start for us at BeezNest worldwide, and between writing around 3 times more offers than usually and launching new projects, we have been busy on a series of important missions that I'd like to take the opportunity to mention.

Gallery 2 and slow disk accesses

First of all, we've been busy trying to debunk a really well hidden flaw in an install of Gallery 2, whereby the "Comments" feature was so quickly getting spammed that the server could just not handle the number of requests sent by the application and a lot of other applications were slowing down.