Dokeos 1.8.6 courses become trainings

A huge number of you might get a very big surprise when updating your Dokeos platform to 1.8.6 soon. As much as we generally try to help users (not to confuse them, keep them by the hand), there are sometimes when a large, influent group of people think a change is needed, and so this change is operated without having a particular consensus. This is what happened here. Dokeos "courses" will now be called "trainings", starting from 1.8.6. The same will go for French, where "cours" will become "formations".

Dokeos 1.8.6 BETA 3 is out

After a few weeks of struggling with the dilemn of releasing a third BETA or go directly to the Release Candidates, we finally chose to release a last quick BETA, for a few reasons:
  1. I had introduced a mistake in the code in the BETA 2 package
  2. we drastically improved web services (although this is still very badly documented) and in particular the way the system can connect to external systems
  3. we have fixed a lot of bugs in the new social network section
  4. we have fixed an annoying bug with user images
  5. we have introduced an important change in the m


I sure am discovering a lot of interesting stuff on the net this week. I'm just done reading and watching a video on the eLML website. First reaction: interesting project. Apparently, some of the developers of fellow e-learning management system OLAT are involved in the development of eLML as well. eLML is just an XML schema for writing learning content.

Dokeos in Colombia

[caption id="attachment_302" align="alignright" width="100" caption="Dokeos in Colombia"]Image removed.[/caption] I'm leaving in just a few minutes from now for the airport, to go to Colombia for 2 important conferences. One about freedom of knowledge, another about Ubuntu in Colombia.

Dokeos 1.8.5 Quick Reference Sheets - Take 2

Here are some more of my reference sheets (one on plugins/tools development and one on security). dokeos-185-tools-and-plugins-quickref dokeos-185-security-quickref I think with that I cover all basic questions a new developer might have, except the system to install/upgrade a Dokeos install (changing SQL queries) and the way to actually query the database using the Database class.