Top projects of January 2010

This year has taken a good start for us at BeezNest worldwide, and between writing around 3 times more offers than usually and launching new projects, we have been busy on a series of important missions that I'd like to take the opportunity to mention.

Gallery 2 and slow disk accesses

First of all, we've been busy trying to debunk a really well hidden flaw in an install of Gallery 2, whereby the "Comments" feature was so quickly getting spammed that the server could just not handle the number of requests sent by the application and a lot of other applications were slowing down.

Building a free open-source development business is not easy

Note: I'm talking about free, public, open-source software here, not that hacked open-source stuff that you just provide to your customers. Mostly, the difficulty of managing an open-source business is that there are even less good management people that know what free open-source software is than there are good management people at all. And then when an open-source business in launched, it's most probably because the initial entrepreneur knew what open-source software was and thought he had a good idea on how to make business with it.

Dokeos IRC channel outbeats Moodle channel

The IRC channel of Dokeos now outbeats the Moodle channel both in terms of responsiveness and in terms of users (up to 40 users yesterday). This comes after I decided about a month ago that we should show a little more openness to the world as a group of developers, and should have a real-time interaction channel for all people wanting to ask something quick about Dokeos. There's support for English, Dutch, French and Spanish questions already. Come and join us on - #dokeos !

Marketing FLOSS

This article is incomplete and was first written in January 2007
for the BeezNest technical website (
This article is a list of interesting articles for FLOSS solutions marketing in general European Commission pushes FLOSS solutions forward as economic in the long run, despite major investment in terms of initial training:,39040745,39366267,00.htm?xtor=1