Flash 10 Beta 2 for Linux will support V4L2

Wow... this is great news for us. Mike Melanson, the developer of the Linux version of the Flash plugin, just announced on his blog that Flash plugin 10 beta 2 will start supporting V4L2! For Dokeos, this means that we will now be able to use the video recording of our little webcams directly from Linux. This is probably the great news of the day...

2008-10-11 update

I'm just finishing an hour of testing here.

End of July update on Dokeos development

I thought I'll write a short update on what we are doing at Dokeos at the moment, so you don't think we're just sleeping through the summer holidays... Eric and Julian, of the French team, are currently working on a project for a specific hospital management school in France, and on a large and long-time review project before the migration of portals to version 1.8.5 for an important Belgian client.

Trying out PECL's SCA_SDO package

In order to start offering Web Services inside Dokeos, I (and Stefaan Vanbillemont) have been testing out the SCA_SDO package from PECL (for PHP), that reportedly offers the possibility to deploy web services from existing functions only by including a common file and adding a bit of documentation "PHPDocumentor style" to the code. As we are using PHPDocumentor-like comments already, and have a lot of existing functions possibly offering all the services we would like to offer as web services, I thought SCA_SDO was a perfect match. The SDO-part of the extension will not be used in our contex

Installing OpenERP on Ubuntu - Creating databases

Following up on my last piece of news about the update put in the OpenERP wiki about installation under Ubuntu, we have come across a problem today (we are still in our testing phase) as we couldn't create more databases. Apparently, the problem was due to the terp (Linux) system user not being assigned a bash by default when created by the Ubuntu package.This meant that the request to create a new database being apparently operated from the command line, OpenERP couldn't execute this operation successfully.

Dokeos 1.8.5 released!

[digg=http://digg.com/tech_news/Dokeos_1_8_5_released] Dokeos 1.8.5 has been released, after a long 8 months development! Check it out on http://www.dokeos.com/download.php There's a lot to say, so I won't comment about the release itself in this post. You can find out more about this release and what it brings you on the official website, by following the link on the right panel. We are sorry to have kept you waiting for so long for a new version, but we're sure you'll understand why when using it!

New features in Dokeos 1.8.5 - part 1

I've already touched the topic slightly earlier, and there is a nice Dokeos 1.8.5 page in the tabs above that give a global idea, but Dokeos 1.8.5 comes packed with a lot of tiny but practical new features, and tiny but practical improvements. Some of the things we are working on at the moment are listed below

Regional Managers and Human Resources Managers

It's been a repeated complaint among our users that the flexibility of Dokeos roles was not complete enough for medium to large-size companies.

HOWTO Install and use PHPDoc

This article was first written in May 2005 for the BeezNest technical
website (http://glasnost.beeznest.org/articles/260).


This article is meant for busy people who want to have a go at phpDocumentor. It was written after an install on Windows XP equipped with EasyPHP, but should be very similar in other situations (it's just a set of PHP scripts after all).

Getting the files

Go get the files on the PHPDoc server (or if you have an OS-specific package, use it).