Better files filtering in Dokeos 1.8.5

It's already in the code for Dokeos 1.8.5 since 2 weeks ago: files extensions filtering. It was possible, in 1.8.4, to filter files extensions coming from ZIP files, but I didn't have time back then to include a widespread file filtering. It is included now. There is still a problem whereby Windows interprets files looking inside them, so it does not need the extension to be wrong in order to execute the file as is needed for a virus to spread.

The crackers before Christmas

I don't know why exactly, maybe it's because some system administrators go on holiday, or maybe it's because evil students (understand young crackers) are on holiday themselves, but the festive season is always a time when we have more attempted security attacks on our servers. Oh, by the way, hackers are just people looking into the code to change it, they're not evil. Crackers are people getting onto other's systems and trying to misuse it.