Event Involucrate+GNOME in Lima

I did a little show on the Dokeos community and how to contribute to Dokeos today, at the Involucrate+ GNOME event in Lima, in the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Although it is a GNOME centered event, they also took the opportunity that I was in Peru to invite me. Anyway, the presentation is in Spanish but it is available here At the event, I met (although very shortly) with the other speakers Fernando San Martín Woerner, a gringo-looking guy from Chile who's look came from german roots, with Jesús Castagnetto (one of the founders of the PEAR project) and with the organisors Diego Escalante Urrelo and Santiago Gonzales Sánchez. Nice people over all. It was more than anything an open-source conference, so the focus was less on education and more on open-source communities than the previous talks I've given in Peru, and in the end the atmosphere was more relaxed. I've also gotten invited to make a talk at the FLISOL this year, which apparently is a much bigger show, still focused on open-source software, but this time focused on education. As I might have to compete with the usual suspects there (Moodle and maybe Claroline), I think I'll try something more dynamic, where people feel the need to try Dokeos because it's fun... We'll see what I can manage.