Linux Week in Lima

Next week (from 2008-03-10 to 2008-03-14), the Linux Week event is taking place in Lima. There are a few presentations of direct interest for me, like, on Monday: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Eclipse and Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con PHP; on Tuesday: Drupal, más que un CMS and Aula Virtual: Sistema de videoconferencia avanzada para la web; and finally on Thursday: Aplicaciones Web de Alta Disponibilidad con Apache y PHP The entrance is free (like in speech and beer) and it is happening in the Universidad Catolica, which is one of the biggest of Lima (yes, they have a real-size campus), and is located just at the limit between the districts of San Miguel and Pueblo Libre. All the talks are in Spanish though. 2008-03-11 update: After two evenings of assisting the event, I think I can say it's pretty much all introduction level. Introduction to open source, introduction to wireless networks, introduction to distributed logs management, etc. Not much worth my time for the contents themselves. Luckily, some of the speakers are promising. Like Marco Villegas, which apparently is also a Drupal developer, and is one initiator of a Peruvian group for Drupal developers. Also, I've indirectly provoked (but not initiated - Diego Escalante kindly took the responsibility to do so) a set of very nervous questions and answers geared towards the difference in conceptions of the need to publish or make available in any way the source code of a GPL application. The talk was given by Alfred Kobayashi from E-volution Hypermedia, in Trujillo, who talked for half an hour about the good things of open-source software before admitting that the software they were developing (an event organiser) using so many open-source pieces of software was in GPL but that you couldn't get its sources unless you paid the normal product price. In fact, the preamble to the license is the only part where something is said about some kind of obligation to make the code available on request, but it is only applicable to people having received a version of the software. So following the license, he was right, but that didn't really make the audience less nervous about it. It's true that for a GPL-software developer that publishes his work, it's a bit hard to take that another developer uses his work to do other work that he licenses as GPL but keeps the code inaccessible to non-clients. But hey, these are the licensing terms... Where it ceased to be that clever is when Alfred tried to argue that the code was not published because:
  1. it was their economic model, so basically they are basing their economic model on something that could change from one day to the other (any client could publish the code, thus reducing the economic model to dust)
  2. it was not mature enough (code-wise) to release, so the image of the company would be affected, yet the presentation was all about coding standards and how coding using XP or UML techniques was so much better.
  3. they were involved in open-source so much that they *had* to make it GPL, philosophically (Alfred is a high ranking member of the APESOL apparently - yet another open-source association in Perú)


So that was you. Sorry I didn't pick up your name when writing the post. Your blog reference has a spelling mistake though, and it is pointing to someone else's blog, confusing... :-)

Woops, that should be diegoe.

Well, it's not like I really miss the credit for the flamewar...
I still think they should make it freely available from a moral/ethical p.o.v. but you have 3 valid points there.