My presentation of Dokeos, which was supposed to happen at 6pm, and then has been set to be at 4pm is actually split in two. So I will be at the UTP at 4pm and at the UNI at 6pm, one hour each side... Funny stuff!
I will be giving a speech at
FLISOL 2008, Lima, Perú, on Saturday the 26th of April, around 4pm (and for around 1 hour).
You might want to have a look at
the program if you intend to come...
Considering the main topic of the FLISOL 2008 (Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de
Software Libre) is the open-source software in education, it seems quite essential for me to be part of it. I'm currently discussing having a stand over there. The primary objective being to find new clients, I am not sure it's the right event for that.
If you want to see a demo of a fresh Dokeos 1.8.5 or to discuss the development of Dokeos, feel free to come around.
Spanish version
Estaré dando una charla en el evento FLISOL 2008 de Lima este 26 de Abril 2008, en la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, cerca de las 4pm. Como el téma es sobre el software libre en la educación, era bastante importante para mi de participar.
Estoy conversando tambien en este momento para tener un stand en el evento.