Call for White Papers for SCORM 2.0

LETSI, Learning Education Training Systems Interoperability, is entering a phase of study for the next version of SCORM, version 2.0. Of course, given the little level of adoption of SCORM 2004 (or 1.3), this might seem a little premature for some, but the making of such a large norm takes time, so it's probably better to get started early. The 2.0 version is said (in the announcement of the Call for White Papers ) "to support the use of open software standards in learning technology", which is a nice turn of event as, although SCORM 1.x was never against open standards, it never actually pretended to focus or support them. It just used "JavaScript" (which is not really standard in this appellation) and supposedly HTML or anything that would allow the use of JavaScript. Dokeos hasn't got any White Paper to submit though, mostly because we didn't implement SCORM 2004 yet, so it's pretty difficult to know what's missing in the latest version... The White Papers submission deadline is August, 15 so we won't be able to first support SCORM 2004 and then start thinking about things we would like to see there, but it would have been a pleasure for me to participate in the making of SCORM 2.0.


Even if you haven't implemented SCORM 2004 yet, post some thoughts on what you'd like to see SCORM do for you. Everything is on the table for SCORM 2.0 and everybody's opinion matters. In an ideal world, how would you like to see content interoperability handled? What problems does SCORM 1.2 have that you'd like to see changed?

Hi Mike,

It's good to know you are welcoming our suggestions. I will try to submit a list before August 15th.


[...] contributes to SCORM 2.0 ideas Following my article on SCORM 2.0 White Paper call, and the kind personal invitation to contribute from Mike Rustici, I decided to go ahead and submit [...]