Dokeos 1.8.6 Beta 3 In-A-Pen

Furio Petrossi, a long-time community member of Dokeos, developed a special version of Dokeos 1.8.6 Beta 3, which you can download as a ZIP, put on a USB stick, and then open on any Windows computer you run into (you do not need to actually "install it"). It's a ZIP that contains a few practical stuff. like UDrive, a BSD-Licensed software that creates a virtual disk on the system and allows for the installation of Dokeos in a safe environment. Basically, you uncompress the ZIP, execute the executable, and then everything is done automatically. It creates a virtual disk, installs WAMP on that disk, then installs a fully functional version of Dokeos 1.8.6 Beta 3. All you have to do is direct your web browser to localhost... Although comments from Uniform Server say it can be used in production, I wouldn't do that. Download it from here: You can see how to do it here: That's community contribution for you!


The Uniform server people say: "Most people are concerned with the question if they can run The Uniform Server in production and the answer to that is Yes.".
In effect you can use it in production in Windows computer, without using IIS. I never used it for production but...

For all extensions (videoconference, Oogie etc we need also other servers...)