Chamilo 1.11 on Raspberry Pi 3 for off-the-grid situations

This article can be considered an update of our first article on installing Chamilo (on a Raspberry Pi B+). This time, we are testing it with Raspberry 3, as of the 1st of April 2017 (no joke intended). Last time, we were testing with Chamilo 1.9, which is arguably less load-intensive, considering it doesn't include any Symfony component, and it doesn't require any .htaccess configuration.

Benchmark: dirname(__FILE__) vs __DIR__ in PHP

dirname(__FILE__) and __DIR__ give exactly the same result in PHP, although one (__DIR__) is evaluated at compile-time, while the other (dirname(__FILE__)) has at least part of it (the function) evaluated at execution time. Ever wondered what the difference is, in terms of efficiency, between the two? I've written a *very* simple script to try it out:
$loops = 100000000;
echo 'Testing dirname(__FILE__)' . PHP_EOL;
$start = time();
$dir = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++) {
 $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
echo 'dirname(__FILE__) took ' . (time()-$start) . 's' .