Xhprof + PHP5.4 + Ubuntu + Chamilo 1.10dev

(Read the update below before starting to copy-paste) To install Xhprof on PHP5.4 on Ubuntu (assuming you've already got PHP5.4 from Andrej or somewhere safe) in order to measure the load of Chamilo 1.10 dev (you need to have a mercurial clone, otherwise the "tests" directory will not exist), follow this procedure (all lines prefixed with # are comments):
cd /tmp
sudo apt-get install php5-dev php-pear
pecl bundle xhprof
cd xhprof
# Here you will have to apply the patch mentioned here: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61674 to your extension/xhprof.c file (otherwise it won't compile

User's mail: My Chamilo LMS is slow

Sir, I am a user of Chamilo 1.8 as my Website is : www.team**.in and i am having about 1300 users registered on that portal but i always face big problem with chamilo 1.8 that when i take test of all users on same day then it stops working. chamilo 1.8 is not able to handle online users more than 40, so i am facing big problem right now. Sir, i want to ask u that should i upgrade or use chamilo 2.1 so that i can handle up to 2000 users online at same time for better output. or please give me the solution for my problem . Waiting for your response! Regards M.K.
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Chamilo 1 "LMS", Chamilo 2 "LCMS Connect", and the desambiguation

There's been much talk over the last years about Chamilo 1 and 2, whether they were the same product, whether we were going to merge, etc. Last month's General Assembly of the Chamilo Association (which also made me the happy president of the association) helped us clarify a common line of conduct which, I am sure, most will appreciate. If you're in a hurry, you'd better move directly to the end of this article ("Conclusion"), because I want to drive you through the history of both projects now to give you a complete understanding of both pieces of software.

History of Chamilo 1 (now Cha