Déjà vu: SAP buys SuccessFactors, customers feel in danger

I'm always surprised at how large companies are taking their IT politics too easily, and then are surprised by what happens. Today, Josh Bersin (of Bersin & Associates, a great guy to follow: @Josh_Bersin) published an article on the plans by SAP to buy SuccessFactors (probably the leader in employees performance management software, at least in terms of completeness), and the fact that some customer of Su

Important meetings

Sometimes I like to treat this blog as a personal one and write down things that might affect in fundamental ways our future... or at least my own future, potentially. Anyway, I'm currently living in Peru and had a series of meeting over the last two months with the new Electronical Government Office (ONGEI).

Chamilo is nearing completion

For all those of you who've been expecting this release for a long time, we are finally closing in and this week seems to be the ideal time to have ourselves an first release candidate, which will last only one week of all goes well. Unlike previous versions, Chamilo doesn't bring any major new feature. Instead, it is the fruit of a very deep process of trials and fixes, which has been lasting more than 60 days now and sums up to a staggering 1000 of working hours.

Run automated tests in Chamilo 1.8.8

You probably know we have the automated tests in Chamilo 1.8.8 LMS (a few thousands, actually), that guarantee a better quality of delivery. But sometimes you might wonder how to actually run those tests, so you can be an official Chamilo tester too.

How to run the tests

The short answer is you only have to run one command (and you might even load a page in your browser). The long answer, however, is quite longer.

AELF 2010 - Paris

Image removed.Dear all, As this is my first post as an official member of the Chamilo community please allow me to introduce myself, I am Cedric and I am currently in charge of Business Development at BeezNest. Today was the first day of the AELF show at CNIT, Paris (www.aelf.fr), which I attended.