To respect the wishes of the trademark holder, Dok€os(TM) is not mentioned by its true trademark in the article below, and will simply be replaced by "Dok". Any resemblance to an existing LMS would be totally fortuitous.
For all of you worried about how to migrate from Dok to Chamilo and until when you'll be able to do it, here's a quick introduction to the idea.
Chamilo, the first version of Chamilo ever, is in fact what should have been Dok if it had ever come out. As most of the development team moved away from the project to Chamilo, you can consider Chamilo as the real next version of Dok. and all following versions as the real continuation of the project philosophy. This has a series of practical advantages:
- you can easily upgrade any Dok. portal up to to Chamilo (any 1.x version, recommending the latest stable version)
- you can easily copy a course from Dok. (up to to Chamilo (any 1.x version)
- you can easily copy part of a course from Dok. (up to to Chamilo (any 1.x version)
- you get all the good things from the first + the good things from Chamilo in one single application
The general procedure for upgrading your portal to Chamilo is just as you would upgrade from one version of Dok. to the next.
The general procedure to copy course content is to go to the course, go to the Course Maintenance tool, select "Create course backup" and pick the elements you want. Download the course backup, create a course in any Chamilo portal, go to the Course Maintenance tool, select Import course backup and insert the backup file. You might have to increase the authorized upload file limit on your Chamilo portal if your backup is weighting more than 20MB.
Considering Dok 2.0 is near and diverges a little from Chamilo, it will probably not be easily possible to migrate from this version to Chamilo, so you have to make a choice *before* you migrate to Dok.2.0. Of course, if you've already made the wrong choice and want to migrate, do not hesitate to contact us to see how we can rescue your data with a professional service guarantee.
That's it! Don't hesitate to ask if you got more questions.
About "Considering Dok 2.0 is near", I see that it was delayed until January (100 days).
Hi Furio,
Where did you see that? The latest I knew, the plan was for the 6th of December. This being said, it is still close in terms of software release...
I got doubly confused, sorry (with Chamilo 2.0 :)). The official first release date was 10/10/2010 for Dok2.0, now it is moved to January 2011. This is soooo typical of Dok. Never been able to respect a deadline. I'm pretty sure it's not going to make it in January either...
Well, that's great news for Chamilo, it will give us a considerable advance and the possibility to get a little bit of inspiration from these beautiful (and probably not implemented at all right now) screenshots.
Screenshots come from some researches and discussions about tests:
http://www.dokeos.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13471 was one of them and
- http://knol.google.com/k/thomas-de-praetere/e-learning/20ohkjtmn38cb/2
- http://escholarship.bc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1036&context…
- http://www.horton.com/html/elbdbook.aspx
are other references
I prefer *my* classification: http://www.formareinrete.it/media/eXe/TestSintesi/TestSintesi.html
Yes, the JTLA PDF is the original source (of what Dok 2.0 is currently proposing). I remember discussing it widely while in the Dok development team but we never actually got to the implementation (mostly because there was no proper funding to do it). This being said, the technical work is really not heavy, it's just creating new variations of the existing question types, but we really thought it would be a great addition to the current exercises presentation.
Given the JTLA article is public, it was my intention to get to the implementation of that table at some point in the future.
parese vien