Dokeos event for Americas

[caption id="attachment_548" align="aligncenter" width="149" caption="DOKUDA - Dokeos Users Days America"]Image removed.[/caption] If you're a fan of Dokeos and plan to head to South America during the next few days, then you definitely want to get to DOKUDA, the 25th and 26th of June 2009. We've been preparing the event for about a month now, and should get about 500 different people every day, over a two-days period. All the conferences are in Spanish, so you'd better understand it a little bit, but we are really welcoming warmly any North American or Canadian wanting to pay a visit to this international event. All the information is on the afore-mentioned website, really, but there are a few things I'd like to point out:
  • the event will be free and non-for-profit (possible benefits will go into development of educational projects here in Peru)
  • the event has been advertised in an incredible amount of external websites, thanks to an amount just as incredible of people just motivated by Dokeos
  • the event is divided into two days of talks: one technical day and one business/institution day
  • we're going to have the honor of having two speakers from Spain (+ one in videoconference) and two speakers from Uruguay, who will join the fun and talk about their experiences with Dokeos and the future of e-learning in America (Central and South, mostly)
  • a technological fair has been organized at the same time, so companies can show off their products
  • we're going to have talks about new Dokeos 1.8.6 features and the plans for the future
  • we have invited national ministers to get to know how e-learning can help their institutions
  • we have over 16 talks in total, with topics all centered on Dokeos
  • some OLPC XO will be there, to show what can be done with Dokeos
In conclusion... this is going to be a GREAT event. Don't miss it. Any doubt, just comment here or fill the contact form on the website!