Chamilo 1.11 on Raspberry Pi 3 for off-the-grid situations

This article can be considered an update of our first article on installing Chamilo (on a Raspberry Pi B+). This time, we are testing it with Raspberry 3, as of the 1st of April 2017 (no joke intended). Last time, we were testing with Chamilo 1.9, which is arguably less load-intensive, considering it doesn't include any Symfony component, and it doesn't require any .htaccess configuration.

Installation guide for Chamilo 1.10.x on Digital Ocean with PHP7

This guide will take you through the process of installing Chamilo 1.10 (from Github sources) for testing on a fresh Digital Ocean instance, on an Ubuntu 16.04 distribution. A previous article on this blog explains how to install Chamilo 1.9 using Juju Charms and another article explains how to install 1.10.2 on Ubuntu 15.10.

The complete guide to screencasting in Ubuntu 14.04 + Gnome Shell

For those developers of you wanting to do more than just develop under Linux, you'll have realized that there are many things stopping you for doing proper video tutorials as easily as you would do it with some non-free (as in freedom) software. Fear not, though, as this tutorial, written at a time between Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 with the Gnome Shell, will help you go through it and hopefully setup a perfect environment that you will be able to re-use anytime, anywhere (with your laptop).

YouTube requirements

In order to prepare a good video tutorial, the first thing you need is: stan

On PHP and cache slams and solutions

While reading about Doctrine's cache mechanism (which applies to other stuff than database queries, by the way), my eye was caught by a little message at the end (last section) about cache slams. I have used cache mechanisms extensively over the last few years, but (maybe luckily) never happened to witness a "cache slam". There's a link to a blog (by an unnamed author) that explains that. To make it short, you can have race conditions in APC (and

Congratulations to Linagora for a 15M€ contract with French Ministry

Linagora won a call for tender with the French Ministry of Finances for around 15 millions €, covering the maintenance and development for 260 different pieces of software! Congrats. Let's hope Chamilo gets included too :-) See the original article on Le Journal du Net, in French, here:

Important meetings

Sometimes I like to treat this blog as a personal one and write down things that might affect in fundamental ways our future... or at least my own future, potentially. Anyway, I'm currently living in Peru and had a series of meeting over the last two months with the new Electronical Government Office (ONGEI).