Dokeos in Colombia

[caption id="attachment_302" align="alignright" width="100" caption="Dokeos in Colombia"]Image removed.[/caption] I'm leaving in just a few minutes from now for the airport, to go to Colombia for 2 important conferences. One about freedom of knowledge, another about Ubuntu in Colombia.

Dokeos in Machu Picchu

As I was in Cusco the other week to hold a few speeches at a 3 days conference, I took the opportunity to go to Machu Picchu. This time, I managed to walk to the Intipunku (la Puerta del Sol, The Sun Gate) and take a picture from there, wearing my wonderful - but old now - Dokeos t-shirt from the 2005 User's Day.

Ubuntu Hardy Heron Release Party, Lima

As Jesús Castagnetto was presenting a long talk on how to improve one's PHP coding practices, I decided that the event was worthwile and went a little earlier to follow Diego's presentation on GNOME and Fernando's presentation on Drupal (although these two were of little interest to me, I still learnt a bit from both). Diego was presenting GNOME 2.24 (if I remember well) but for some reason (I got there several minutes after he started) he didn't have internet access, which seemed to prevent him from showing what he wanted.