Upgrade Chamihost to 1.9.6

For those having started a Chamihost hosting before the 1.9.6, you can easily upgrade your version using the following script, uploading it to your Chamilo directory (through FTP) and loading it from your browser.
Downloading upgrade&nbsp;<?php

$d = __DIR__.'/';
$f = @fopen('http://zap.beeznest.com/temp/chamilo-1.9.6-upg.tar.gz','r');
if ($f === false) {
$l = @fopen($d.'archive/chamilo.tar.gz','w');
if ($l === false) {
while ($line = fread($f,1

Monitoring Tomcat with Munin on Debian GNU/Linux

To monitor Tomcat with Munin 2.0 on Debian GNU/Linux (tested on Debian Squeeze with Tomcat6 and Debian Backports), you need the following steps.

First, you need to install package tomcat6-admin which enables the Tomcat Manager app we will be using.

# apt-get install tomcat6-admin

Next, create a user with a manager role in Tomcat, editing /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml and adding the following two lines in the appropriate list.

Gallery 2.3 not translating

Just in case you would fall upon this issue as well, Gallery2 requires the corresponding language-specific locales to be installed on the system (it depends on them to show the matching translated terms). The code to do that (and to debug it) is located (in Gallery 2.3) on line 330 of modules/core/classs/GalleryTranslator.class. We hope it helps you a little.

Nginx + CDN + GoogleBot or how to avoid many useless Googlebot hits

If you're like me and you've developed a CDN distribution for your website's content (while waiting for SPDY to be widely adopted and available in mainstream distributions), you might have noted that the Googlebot is frequently scanning your CDNs, and this might have made your website a bit overloaded. After all, the goal of the CDNs are (several but in my case only) to elegantly distribute contents across subdomains so your browser will load the page resources faster (otherwise it gets blocked by the HTTP limit or any higher limit set by your browser of simultaneous content download). Hell,

The biggest challenges for start-ups in Peru

Today I went to a conference organized by the Lima Valley coordinators team, hosted by PriceWaterHouseCooper Lima, and hosted by ex-entrepreneur-turned-speaker Bowei Gai. Perú is a nice country: vast, with lots of different geographies, some of the deepest canyons in the world, adventure sports with not too much regulations, jungle, beach, mountains climbing around 6000 meters above see level, subtropical climate and extreme high-altitude climate (and giga