The complete guide to screencasting in Ubuntu 14.04 + Gnome Shell

For those developers of you wanting to do more than just develop under Linux, you'll have realized that there are many things stopping you for doing proper video tutorials as easily as you would do it with some non-free (as in freedom) software. Fear not, though, as this tutorial, written at a time between Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 with the Gnome Shell, will help you go through it and hopefully setup a perfect environment that you will be able to re-use anytime, anywhere (with your laptop).

YouTube requirements

In order to prepare a good video tutorial, the first thing you need is: stan

Can't use function return value in write context

Did you ever develop some nice code, then simply wanted to check if a string was only composed of white spaces or tabs, and used something like this:
if (!empty(trim($string))) { ... }
...only to get a bad error appear (only on your PHP 5.4 server) in the middle of your app, like this?:
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context
Well, this has a simple explanation... Prior to PHP 5.5, the empty() function did not accept something else than a variable.

Skype 4.2 for Linux: Unable to connect

If your Skype 4.2 for Linux is reporting an "Unable to connect" error since about the 28th of July 2014 or so... that's because you need version 4.3. There isn't much documentation around about this, so I'm writing this short post. To replace it on Ubuntu 13.10 or 14.04:
  • download version 4.3 from the Skype website
  • sudo apt-get remove skype
  • sudo dpkg -i skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb (this filename may vary slightly)

Howto install Odoo on Debian 7 64bit

This is an attempt at shortening the installation time of Odoo (OpenERP 7) on a pristine Linux Debian system. In particular, we'll execute this procedure on a 2GB RAM VM from Digital Ocean, a recent, cheap and efficiente hosting provider. First off, you'll need to install PostgreSQL. This is important, as the Debian package for Odoo does not install nor configure postgresql at all.

MySQL and MariaDB innodb_file_per_table

For those of you pushing your MySQL instances to higher levels, you'll have realized at some point that all InnoDB tables share their indexing space into a single file (ibdata1, usually). This has several very bad outcomes:
  • the ibdata1 file becomes huge after some time (we've seen it pass the 8GB bar)
  • starting the MySQL server takes longer
  • deleting an InnoDB table *doesn't* reduce the space used by ibdata1
  • you have to shutdown your server, remove ibdata1 completely, then restart the server in order to reinitialize the ibdata1 file to a 0-size file (but th

Using php5-memcached to store sessions on distributed servers

This article is an extension of the previous article about storing sessions in Memcached with PHP. Using Memcached for sessions storage is generally a matter of speed (storing them in memory is faster than on disk) and of scalability (using a Memcached server allows you to have several web servers serving the same PHP application in a seamless way). In the previous article, we mentioned (3 years ago) that the php5-memcached extension did not seem to manage the storage of sessions quite well, or at least t