Using Chamilo juju charm to setup a dev environment on Digital Ocean

If you're in a hurry/on speed, know this:
  • this procedure is slightly more difficult (so longer) than installing the charm on Amazon
  • you can skip directly to "Installing Juju"
  • if you already have juju installed, you can skip to the last 2 lines of the "Installing juju" section
  • if you already have juju-docean installed and configured, you can skip directly to "Provisioning VMs"
  • otherwise, just continue reading, it's worth a few minutes...
This tutorial regroups a lot of advanced notions, so if you want to know more about one of the follo

Does the world's growth go along with a Moodle sites reduction?

In a growing world with growing education needs, one would think that systems like Chamilo or Moodle would have a continuous growth ensured, year after year. Well, this is certainly true for Chamilo LMS (for now), as it is apparently gaining about 100,000 new users per month (average over the last 12 months), but I am a little in shock at how Moodle is (since a year or so) loosing a considerable amount of sites and users over the last 12 months.

Howto: Configuring session expiry time in Chamilo

Note: this article was originally written for Chamilo 1.9 but it is also valid for all versions 1.10 and 1.11. We seldom receive a request from users of Chamilo LMS saying their sessions are cut in the middle of their activity. And sure, it might so happen that you are in the middle of the redaction of a very large answer to an open question, or diserting on how the course is going to help you in the forum. And we get that it's super-frustrating to click "submit" and then get an error page.

Clean your Gallery 2 ImageBlockCacheMap table regularly

Supposedly, Gallery 2 has a process to clean this table periodically (through Cron, which you should always configure), but apparently sometimes this doesn't get to execute correctly. As a result, the rest of the cleanup will happen but this stable might not get cleaned, leading you to millions of rows of purely useless years-old cache junk. Fix it manually by issuing a "TRUNCATE [prefix]_ImageBlockCacheMap;" in your database, or install a more recent version of Gallery, or something like that, but make sure you always keep an eye on its size. Reference:

gem install mysql2 on Debian Wheezy with MariaDB 10

Just in case you would be in this situation (and given the fact I couldn't find online information about it), if you are ever installing the mysql2 gem on a Debian Wheezy system with MariaDB 10 (I would guess a rather rare situation), you might get this error:
# gem install mysql2 -v=0.3.11
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing mysql2:
 ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

 /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 extconf.rb
checking for rb_thread_blocking_region()... yes
checking for rb_wait_for_single_fd()...